Frère, VIENS! ET JOINS TOI À NOUS! Afin que nous remettions la planete Terre à son propriétaire légitime - le Seigneur JÉSUS-CHRIST


30 ANS

La CMCI  au BENIN, fait partie d’une grande œuvre appelé Communauté Missionnaire Chrétienne International, CMCI en français et  Christian Missionary Fellowship International, CMFI en anglais. 

Notre Communauté

La CMCI est une communauté présente dans plus de 100 pays sur les 6 continents de la planète. Au BENIN cette communauté est implanté depuis le 01 MAI 1992, lors de l'arrivée sur le sol béninois du Professeur ZACHARIAS TANEE FUMUM, fondateur de la CMCI.

Notre Ministère

La CMCI est une communauté qui Prie, Jeûne, Evangélise, Gagne les âmes, Fait des disciples, implante des églises de maison et aide les hommes, les femmes, les jeunes et les enfants, de toutes races et toute langue et toute culture, à entrer dans l’épanouissement que Jésus-Christ donne à ceux qui l’acceptent comme leur Seigneur et leur Sauveur personnel et s'engagent à être ses disciples et à faire des disciples. 

Looking for a church? We can help you out

USA Churches was the first Christian church directory of its kind. We understand how difficult it can be to find a church home or place of worship. Our daily Updates  includes all of the information you're looking for to help you find the right Christian church for you.

2019 JUN 01

Churches amid the Corona Pandemic

USA Churches was the first Christian church directory of its kind. We understand how difficult it can be to find a church home or place of worship. Our daily Updates  includes all of the information you're looking for to help you find the right Christian church for you.

2020 JUN 01

What’s Presbyterian's Community worship like?

USA Churches was the first Christian church directory of its kind. We understand how difficult it can be to find a church home or place of worship. Our daily Updates  includes all of the information you're looking for to help you find the right Christian church for you.

2021 JUN 01

The first Christians, following Jesus,

USA Churches was the first Christian church directory of its kind. We understand how difficult it can be to find a church home or place of worship. Our daily Updates  includes all of the information you're looking for to help you find the right Christian church for you.

2022 JUN 01


Advancing Regime's
Domestic and

We are a church that belives in Jesus christ and the
followers and We are a church that belives in Jesus christ

USA Churches was the first Christian church directory of its kind. We understand how difficult it can be to find a church home or place of worship. Our daily Updates  includes all of the information you're looking for to help you find the right Christian church for you.

USA Churches was the first Christian church directory of its kind. We understand how difficult it can be to find a church home or place of worship. Our daily Updates  includes all of the information you're looking for to help you find the right Christian church for you.

USA Churches was the first Christian church directory of its kind. We understand how difficult it can be to find a church home or place of worship. Our daily Updates  includes all of the information you're looking for to help you find the right Christian church for you.


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    Suivez en vidéo l'histoire de la CMCI-BENIN

    A la recherche de ZACH FOMUM est l’histoire de la CMCI au BENIN raconté par le Dr BOSSOUM KOUMABE, Leader National de la CMCI au BENIN, qui retrace les faits marquants de l’implantation de Communauté Missionnaire Chrétienne International