Notre But - CMCI BENIN

Frère, VIENS! ET JOINS TOI À NOUS! Afin que nous remettions la planete Terre à son propriétaire légitime - le Seigneur JÉSUS-CHRIST

NOTRE BUT - 1/3 :

La Croisade de l'Evangile de toute la Création

Prêchez l’Evangile à tous ceux qui seront vivants dans notre génération, afin que 10 milliards de personnes soient atteintes avec l’Evangile dans la puissance du Saint-Esprit, en utilisant tous les moyens de communication (nos livres, nos tracts, nos magazines, nos CD, nos DVD, notre radio, notre télévision et internet), de la manière la plus urgente.

Our Church

Prayer is at the heart of worship. It is a gift from God, who desires dialogue and relationship with us. Our Church.


Ministries- who desires dialogue and relationship with us. It is a posture of faith and a way of living in the world

NOTRE BUT - 2/3 :

La formation des disciples

Amener 1 milliard de personnes de 250 nations à connaître Jésus-Christ comme Seigneur et Sauveur qui sont des disciples pour lui obéir en toutes choses et organisés pour se réunir dans 25 millions d’églises de maison d’ici l’an 2065  après AD.

Our Church

Prayer is at the heart of worship. It is a gift from God, who desires dialogue and relationship with us. Our Church.


Ministries- who desires dialogue and relationship with us. It is a posture of faith and a way of living in the world

NOTRE BUT - 3/3 :

Précipiter le renouveau mondial

Coopérez avec Dieu par le jeûne et l’intercession pour un réveil mondial déchirant, secouant la terre et glorifiant le Christ dans notre génération, pour hâter le retour prochain du ciel de notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ pour que Son Épouse soit préparée.

Our Church

Prayer is at the heart of worship. It is a gift from God, who desires dialogue and relationship with us. Our Church.


Ministries- who desires dialogue and relationship with us. It is a posture of faith and a way of living in the world


Un mouvement de renouveau mondial

La Communauté Missionnaire Chrétienne Internationale a été appelée à apporter sa contribution au réveil mondial promis par Dieu en enseignant aux saints ressuscités : des rencontres dynamiques quotidiennes avec Dieu, la formation de disciples au Christ et la responsabilité.

Our Church

Prayer is at the heart of worship. It is a gift from God, who desires dialogue and relationship with us. Our Church.


Ministries- who desires dialogue and relationship with us. It is a posture of faith and a way of living in the world


Un mouvement dirigé vers un objectif

La Communauté Missionnaire Chrétienne Internationale a reçu un objectif donné par Dieu, elle est engagée dans la poursuite et l’accomplissement de cet objectif.

Our Church

Prayer is at the heart of worship. It is a gift from God, who desires dialogue and relationship with us. Our Church.


Ministries- who desires dialogue and relationship with us. It is a posture of faith and a way of living in the world

Looking for a church? We can help you out

USA Churches was the first Christian church directory of its kind. We understand how difficult it can be to find a church home or place of worship. Our daily Updates  includes all of the information you're looking for to help you find the right Christian church for you.

2019 JUN 01

Churches amid the Corona Pandemic

USA Churches was the first Christian church directory of its kind. We understand how difficult it can be to find a church home or place of worship. Our daily Updates  includes all of the information you're looking for to help you find the right Christian church for you.

2020 JUN 01

What’s Presbyterian's Community worship like?

USA Churches was the first Christian church directory of its kind. We understand how difficult it can be to find a church home or place of worship. Our daily Updates  includes all of the information you're looking for to help you find the right Christian church for you.

2021 JUN 01

The first Christians, following Jesus,

USA Churches was the first Christian church directory of its kind. We understand how difficult it can be to find a church home or place of worship. Our daily Updates  includes all of the information you're looking for to help you find the right Christian church for you.

2022 JUN 01


Advancing Regime's
Domestic and

We are a church that belives in Jesus christ and the
followers and We are a church that belives in Jesus christ

USA Churches was the first Christian church directory of its kind. We understand how difficult it can be to find a church home or place of worship. Our daily Updates  includes all of the information you're looking for to help you find the right Christian church for you.

USA Churches was the first Christian church directory of its kind. We understand how difficult it can be to find a church home or place of worship. Our daily Updates  includes all of the information you're looking for to help you find the right Christian church for you.

USA Churches was the first Christian church directory of its kind. We understand how difficult it can be to find a church home or place of worship. Our daily Updates  includes all of the information you're looking for to help you find the right Christian church for you.


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